Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What went well in 2011?

As we look back on 2011, let's do so with a little bit of investing fun and games.  Write the following assets down on a piece of paper and then mark which of these you think performed better than the others in 2011 (to date): 

Shares (Globally):
Cash in the bank
Global Corporate Bonds
Commercial Property
Residential property prices
Industrial metals
Food commodities
Government Bonds

There are 11 options.  List them down and write 1 - 11 (1 being the best performer and 11 being the worst performing in 2011, to date)  And then compare your answers with the correct answers below:

How to cope with investment stress in 2012

Ace of Sales

The overly excitable press have already started their deluge of drivel about the precarious situation in Greece, the sale of Italian Bonds, the downgrade of most European sovereign bonds, slowdown in Chinese exports, pick up in US job figures...and the list goes on.

How can I possibly fit into this melee and write something remotely interesting?  Well, over the Christmas period I have been thinking about my e-zine.  In 2012 I am going to concentrate a little more on tax issues (I think these are going to become more relevant in Italy in 2012, with ‘Monti’s Manovra’).  In addition to that I am going to add in some general financial planning info, financial housekeeping tips and more updates on investments.