Tuesday, September 10, 2019


I had always thought that Brexit was a game with more twists and turns than a game of snakes and ladders, but then along came the joy of Italian politics with the rise and fall (for now) of Salvini, Trump, China and endless other news stories.  

So, in light of all these things, I thought I would focus on a few things which a) might interest you and b) might affect you.

Firstly, let's get straight to the bad news. It looks as though the 'flat tax' proposals that Salvini was trying to push through are going to be shelved for the time being. The potential 15% or 20% tax rate on the first €65000 of income for individuals is not likely to come into force under the new coalition. Although the existing provisions for people with a partita IVA are likely to remain.

However, for those of you who were perhaps waiting for this tax break, all may not be in vain. 

How long do you give the new coalition in Italy? The new coalition between the PD and M5S may have some legs but based on historic performance it is not likely to hold for very long. Three to six months? It's anyone's guess. My hunch is that this coalition is not really what the people want (unless they make some historically bold and brave steps to improve the country - which they are not famed for) and in the meantime, Salvini and his war machine (sorry, I meant to say social media machine) will become emboldened, more vocal and likely more radical in the process, gaining more popularity, ready for his next shot at a general election.   It's a hunch, but we will soon find out whether people really want Salvini or not.

I spoke to a number of people during the summer period and interestingly nearly all of them who DO NOT live in cities are supportive of Salvini. City slickers, like myself, are more inclined to vote for other parties, although even city types are tired of the same old rhetoric and same old corruption. Even they are looking to Salvini, for change rather than any ray of hope. My thinking is that Salvini may have to bide his time but might be PM in the not so distant future. What a thought!

I was reading a few articles during the summer period and I found some very interesting news for those of you who rent case vacanze, B&B etc and advertise your rentals on the usual websites like AirBnB and Homenaway etc.

An article appeared in the pages of Sole24Ore (https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/case-vacanze-nero-fisco-sfuggono-due-affitti-tre-ACoUIQe)explaining that two out of three holiday rental accommodations were 'irregolari'. The greatest concentrations were in the usual holiday destinations.

The article went on to say that the Guardia di Finanza, when investigating cases of rental 'in nero', use the internet as their first point of information gathering, namely the main sites where people advertise their accommodation for rental. They found that not only are rentals not declared, but irregularities in the number of rooms declared to the local entity have also been found. In addition, where the activity should have been declared as a partita IVA, instead of the flat tax regime, millions have been lost in VAT payments.  
I was reading a few articles during the summer period and I found some very interesting news for those of you who rent case vacanze, B&B etc and advertise your rentals on the usual websites like AirBnB and Homenaway etc.

An article appeared in the pages of Sole24Ore (https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/case-vacanze-nero-fisco-sfuggono-due-affitti-tre-ACoUIQe) explaining that two out of three holiday rental accommodations were 'irregolari'. The greatest concentrations were in the usual holiday destinations.

The article went on to say that the Guardia di Finanza, when investigating cases of rental 'in nero', use the internet as their first point of information gathering, namely the main sites where people advertise their accommodation for rental. They found that not only are rentals not declared, but irregularities in the number of rooms declared to the local entity have also been found. In addition, where the activity should have been declared as a partita IVA, instead of the flat tax regime, millions have been lost in VAT payments.  
It was only a matter of time before the tax authorities started putting two and two together and they have now started to create a map of irregularities relating to holiday rentals, B&B etc. by using information which has been available to them for some time. As you may know when a guest stays at your accommodation you are obliged to take note of their information which is then passed to the local Carabinieri or Polizia dello Stato. 

The fiscal authorities are now using this information to map anyone who is renting accommodation, and identifying any discrepancies between the information received by the police and that received in the fiscal tax declaration.
To put this into some sort of perspective, if we just use AirBnB (the largest of the rental accommodation websites), up until the 31st December 2018 there were:

416,000 advertisements for rental accommodations in Italy in 2018.

This equated to 1,829,576 beds available. 


In the same year ONLY 195,572 AirBnB visitors were registered at the Questura as being received and lodged.  


That is some discrepancy by anyone's calculation and so you can expect that the tax authorities are going to become much keener on investigating and tracking down offenders. Holiday rental has typically been an area which has been abused from a fiscal point of view, but the authorities are becoming more sophisticated in how they track offenders down with the use of the internet. The simple lesson is to make sure you are 100% in regola. However, to make matters more confusing each region has their own rules regarding B&B's, case vacanze, number of visitors etc., so make sure you check with them to ensure you meet their requirements. 

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