Monday, February 22, 2016

More Brits abroad need to register for the upcoming Referendum!

UK expats urged to back Cameron’s decision and vote ‘remain’ in 23rd June EU referendum

British expats must throw their collective weight behind David Cameron and vote to remain in the EU, according to expat campaign group, Brits Abroad: Yes to Europe.

George Cunningham, Chair of Brits Abroad: Yes to Europe, said:

‘The starting gun has been fired and the referendum date is now set for 23 June.  Regardless of our individual political beliefs and views on David Cameron's deal at the European Council, as Brits living abroad we must all pull together to campaign for the UK to remain in the EU’.

Expats could hold the balance 

There are roughly 2.2mn UK expats living across the EU. The number more than doubles when Brits living in the rest of the world are taken into account.  But only 106,000 are currently registered to vote.

Those living in the EU (or wishing to in future) may well see major changes to their pensions, healthcare entitlements and the right to study, live and work abroad if Britain votes to leave.

George Cunningham added:

‘Leaving the EU could put British expat rights in jeopardy. British expats must vote to stay in if they want to secure their pension and healthcare rights, as well as the right of their children to live, work and retire across the EU.  With the polls as tight as they are every expat vote will count.’

How can I vote?

  • British expats who have lived outside the UK for less than 15 years qualify to be able to vote in the forthcoming referendum.
  • They should immediately register to vote online if they have not done so already.  It only takes 5 minutes:
  • British expats who have been outside the UK for more than 15 years can still spread the word by encouraging friends and family to vote 'remain'.

Notes to editors
Brits Abroad: Yes to Europe is a non-partisan get out the vote initiative managed by the Brussels and Europe Liberal Democrats.  The campaign has a Facebook page with up-to-date news about the debate on:

More information on the Brussels and Europe Lib Dems referendum campaign and practical advice about voting can be found here:

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